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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Socketing Items with Seed Sphere

This is the Flow Chart of Creating and Socketing Seed Spheres

The Seed Master at Elbeland
The Seed and The Sphere

While Spheres can be looted at Raklion and Kanturu, Icarus (Dark Phoenix) as per experience, Seeds are randomly made by combining different ingredients at the Seed Master of Elbeland

Creating a Seed

Failed combination yields:

Excellent and Ancient Set Items downgrades randomly to +0 ~ +2
All Jewels will be gone

This is a Table for the various Seeds and its Options. This seeds are all elemental items yet bestows other more powerful options when combined with spheres.

Wind, Water, Earth is use for Shields & Armors

Fire, Lightning, Ice is used for Weapons

Creating a Seed Sphere

This is a Sphere Quality Table and Seed Spheres

5 Spheres, rank thru its quality (From Low To High)
1. Chipped Sphere
2. Flawed Sphere
3. Natural Sphere
4. Flawless Sphere
5. Perfect Sphere

Mounting a Seed Sphere on a Socketed Armor Piece

If you want to replace the existing Seed Sphere in your item. Seed sphere cannot be dismounted, but can be destroyed. Mounting and destroying Seed Sphere requires only Zen and has 100% Success Rate.

Special Thanks to Honos for the info.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Third Class Quest MU Season 4

This is a guide for the Third Class Quest on the upcoming Season 4 this month of July (As per Mobius promotion)

The Third Class quest is divided into 3 stages:

First Stage: Certificate of Strength

Quest Starts and Ends at Priest Devin of Crywolf at coordinates 228,48.


Character is Level 380 - 400 + 5 Million Zen


1 Flame of Death Beam Knight - Tarkan 2 Cave
1 Horn of Hell Mine - Aida2
1 Feather of Phoenix of Darkness - Icarus


20 Additional Stat Points

Second Stage: Infiltration of Barracks of Balgass

Quest Starts and Ends at Priest Devin of Crywolf.


Level 400
Completed Certificate of Strength
7 Million Zen

Enter the Barracks of Balgass:

Werewolf Quarrel at Crywolf coordinates 62, 239
Party Leader should enter First (Only Characters with Quest can Enter the Realm)
Kill 20 Balram Trainee
Kill 20 Death Spirit Trainee - I Tried 15 of these
Kill 20 Soram Trainee - And 15 of these and it worked, somebody told me 10's are also ok.
Can be done even in a party, Kill count goes to the one with Higher Damage to the Monster.
It is possible to submit accomplished kill counts and resubmit the remaining kill counts.


20 Additional Stat Points

Third Stage: Into the Darkness

Quest Starts and Ends at Priest Devin of Crywolf.


Level 400
Completed Infiltration of Barracks of Balgass
10 Million Zen

Enter the Refuge of Balgass at the End of The Barracks and Kill 1 Dark Elf Trainees
Can be done even in a party, Kill count goes to the one with Higher Damage to the Monster.
Party Leader should enter First (Only Characters with Quest can Enter the Realm)


30 Additional Stat Points
Third Class Job Change Complete

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Season 4 Ancient Set Item List

This is a List of complete Ancient Set Items Reigned Season 4! This List is still updated time to time. Please leave a comment if you know something about the new Ancient Set Items.

Click me to go to Mobius forums with the pinned list of the new Season 4 Ancient or Land of Trials Set Items

Blade Knight Ancient Set

Vicious Dragon Set

2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +15
3 Set option : Increased Damage +15
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%

Full Set Option

Increase Minimum Attack Damage +20
Increase Maximum Attack Damage +30
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%


Ring of Earth (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Helm (+5-10 Vitality)

Rave Plate Set


Plate Helm

Plate Armor

Plate Pants

Giant Sword


Increase attacking rate + 20

Double Damage Rate +10%

Increase Damage When Using Two Handed Weapon +30%

Ignore Enemies Defensive Skill 5%

Cloud Brass Set


Brass Helm



Increase Critical Damage Rate +20%

Increase Critical Damage +50

Berserker Scale Set:


Soul Master Ancient Set

Isis Legendary Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Energy +30

Full set Option
Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%

Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)

Sylion Bone Set:


Bone Armor

Bone Helm

Muse Elf Ancient Set

Drak Vine Set:


Vine Armor

Vine Pants

Vine Boots

Vine Helm

Set Option:

Increase Agility +20

Increase Damage +25

Double Damage Rate +25%

Increase Defensive Skill +40

Increase Critical Damage Rate +10%

Peize Silk Set:


Elvian Wind Set:


Aruane Guardian Set
2 Set option : Increased Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20

Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%

Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)

Magic Gladiator Ancient Set
Muren Storm Crow Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%

Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Defense +25
Increase Two-handed Weapon Equipment Damage + 20%

Set Items Parts
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Fire (+5-10 Vitality)

Dark Lord Ancient Set

Broy Adamantine Set


Adamantine Pants

Set Option:

Increase Damage +20

Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20

Increase Energy +20

Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%

Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%

Ignore Enemies Defensive Skill +5%

Increase Command +30

Agnis Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +40
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20

Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20

Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vitality)

Dark Lord Second Ancient Set

Obscure Light Plate Set:

Increase Max Life +50

Increase Agility +50

Increase Defensive Skill when using shield weapons +25%

Increase Damage +30


Small Shield Shield

Browii Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Increase Damage +20
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30

Set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Increase Command +30
Set Items Parts
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Pendant of Ice (+5-10 Vitality)

Summoner Ancient Set
Krono Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate +20%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +60
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Magic (+5-10 Energy)

Summoner Second Ancient Set
Semeden Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Increase Wizardry + 15%
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +25
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Making of Higher Refining Stone

Yeah, it is as simple as ABC. But needless to say a handful of newbies don't know that such Stone is available at your own initiative.

This sort of crystalline stone is used to increase Jewel of Harmony enchantment figures. Although as easy as this and that beware for failed refinement, if Jewel of Harmony fails so as the refining stones. But don't worry because failed refinement won't remove the Jewel of Harmony Enchantment, just a couple of level down will do.

Now warp to Aida 1, at the safe zone look for this Ugly Goblin named Osbourne, the good news he is not as Bad as The Chaos Goblin.


Any ordinary Armor piece and weapon will yield a 20% success rate and will result to a low refining stone, has the ability to refine but at the lowest success rate.

Any excellent Armor Piece and weapon will yield a 50% success rate and will result to a Higher Refining Stone, has the ability to refine at the highest success rate.


Not all armor piece and weapon class can be used to make a refining stone.

Example: All Ancient items (Kantata, Hyon etc...) Scale, Sphinx, Wind, Haldberg etc.... It is up to you to look for those invalid items because I forgot to make a list of it. ^^

Now if you think you picked up the most invaluable excellent items on the field. Think Again!

Fruits of the Heroes

This is a guide on how to make a fruit in MU Online that will add up to 106 of additional stats for your character at maximum level.


1 Jewel of Creation
1 Chaos
3 million Zen

This combination will yield a 90% success rate on random fruits, but beware that 10% failure can be frustrating if you are in need of only one fruit.

Green Fruits = Strength
Blue Fruits = Energy
Yellow Fruits = Agility
Red Fruits = Stamina
Black Fruits = Command

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Third Class Wings Guide - MU Season4

Third Class Wings on Season 4

*NOTICE: The following figures are not yet confirmed. And are just basis of temporary information.

Wings of storm

- Can be equipped by the Blade Master
- Defense: (60) + Wing Level*4) (Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)
Level 10 Defense = 60*4 [+5] = 245
Level 11 Defense = 60*5 [+6] = 306 and so on
- Damage Increase: 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Damage Absorb : 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

Wings of Illusion

-Can be equipped by High Elf
- Defense: 45 + [Wing Level*4]
(Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)

- Damage Increase: 39 + [Wing Level * 1]
- Damage Absorb : 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

Wings of Vortex (Space and Time)

- Can be equipped by Grand Master
- Defense: 45 + [Wing Level*4] (Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)

- Damage Increase: 39 + [Wing Level * 1]
- Damage Absorb : 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

Wings of Doom/Destruction

- Can be equipped by Duel Master
- Defense: 55 + [Wing Level*4]
(Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)

- Damage Increase: 39 + [Wing Level * 1]
- Damage Absorb : 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

Mantle of Lord/Cape of Emperor

- Can be equipped by Lord Emperor
- Defense: 55 + [Wing Level*4]
(Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)

- Damage Increase: 42 + [Wing Level * 1]
- Damage Absorb : 24 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

Wings of Dimension

- Can be equipped by Dimension Master
- Defense: 45 + [Wing Level*4] (Level 10 to 13 will
increase by +5 to +8)

- Damage Increase: 39 + [Wing Level * 1]
- Damage Absorb : 39 + [Wing Level * 2]
- Increase Speed

- Successful attack: Target loses 3%Hp per hit, excluding miss

The Third Class wings can only be equipped by 3rd Class Characters. And can be acquired by transmuting different ingredients in different stages:

Stage 1 Combination:


One (1) +9 Level 2 Wing with +4 dmg/1% rec option or higher
One (1) +7 Ancient Item with +4 option or higher
One (1) Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation and 10 Stacked of Jewel of Soul.

Maximum Success Rate: 60% - this means that the success rate varies from 1% to 60%

Combination Costs = Success rate * 20k Zen

Successful Combination Result: One (1) Feather of Condor

Failed Combination Result:

2nd Stage Wing (Item Level and Options will fall randomly)
Item (Item Level and Options will fall randomly)
Jewels and Zen will be gone.

Stage 2 Combination:


- One (1) +9 Excellent Item with +4 or higher option.
- One (1) Feather of Condor, 1 Flame of Condor (Dropped only at Barracks of Balgass)
- One (1) Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, 10 Stacked of Jewel of Soul
and 10 Stacked of Jewel of Bless

Maximum Success Rate: 40% - this means that the success rate varies from 1% to 40%

Combination Costs = Success rate * 20k Zen

Successful Combination Result: One (1) Random 3rd Class Wings

Combination Costs = Success rate * 20k Zen

Failed Combination Result:

- Excellent item level and option will fall randomly
- Feather of Condor and Flame of Condor will be gone.
- All Jewels and Zen will be gone.

The Third Class wings may have any of the following additional options: Ignore, Mana, HP, Reflect.

All Process is done at the Friendly Chaos Goblin ^^.

Vulcan Item Map - Season 4




Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Rageful Blow, Orb of Ice Arrow

Scroll of Cometfall, Scroll of Electric Surge, Scroll of Damage Reflex, Scroll of Critical Damage, Scroll of Teleport Ally


+2 Saint Crossbow

+2 Great Scepter

+3 Ancient Stick

+0 Elemental Mace

+0 Staff of Destruction

+2 Sword of Destruction


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye, +6 Devil's Key, Death Cow Disguise Ring, Sign of Kundun +5

Armor Pieces:

+2 Black Dragon Helm, +2 Black Dragon Pants, +0 Black Dragon Armor

+3 Strom Crow Armor

+1 Dark Phoenix Gloves, +2 Dark Phoenix Boots

+3 Grand Soul Helm, +1 Grand Soul Pants

+1 Divine Helm, +1 Divine Pants

+2 Dark Steel Boots, +1 Dark Steel Helm

+2 Red Spirit Gloves

+1 Dark Soul Gloves

+0 Thunder Hawk Gloves

+0 Dark Master Gloves

+1 Storm Blitz Gloves

+1 Demonic Pants, +3 Demonic Helm



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Ice Arrow

Scroll of Critical Damage, Scroll of Teleport Ally, Scroll of Electric Spark, Scroll of Inferno, Scroll of Ice Storm, Scroll of MagicDefense Up


+3 Saint Crossbow

+1 Elemental Mace

+3 Great Scepter

+1 Staff of Destruction

+3 Sword of Destruction


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye, +6 Devil's Key, Death Cow Disguise Ring, Sign of Kundun +6

Armor Pieces:

+3 Black Dragon Helm, +3 Black Dragon Pants, +1 Black Dragon Armor

+2 Dark Phoenix Gloves, +0 Dark Phoenix Helm, +0 Dark Phoenix Boots

+2 Grand Soul Pants, +0 Gran Soul Armor

+2 Divine Helm, +1 Divine Pants, +0 Divine Armor

+2 Dark Steel Boots, +2 Dark Steel Helm, +0 Dark Steel Pants

+3 Red Spirit Gloves

+2 Dark Soul Gloves

+1 Thunder Hawk Gloves

+1 Dark Master Gloves

+0 Glorious Gloves

+0 Valiant Gloves

+2 Storm Blitz Gloves

+0 Brave Boots

+0 Divine Boots

+2 Demonic Pants, +0 Demonic Armor, +3 Demonic Helm



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Electric Spark, Scroll of Inferno, Scroll of Ice Storm, Scroll of MagicDefense Up, Scroll of Decay , Scroll of Summon, Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds


+0 Great Reign Crossbow

+2 Celestial Bow

+0 Lord Scepter

+0 Demonic Stick

+2 Dragon Spear

+3 Elemental Mace

+0 Rune Blade

+3 Staff of Destruction, +0 Grand Soul Staff


+0 Frost Barrier Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye , +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun+6, Spirit Dark Raven

Armor Pieces:

+2 Red Spirit Helm, +0 Red Spirit Pants

+1 Dark Soul Boots

+2 Great Dragon Gloves, +0 Dark Soul Boots

+2 Thunder Hawk Boots, +0 Thunder Hawk Pants

+3 Dark Master Gloves, +1 Dark Master Boots

+3 Black Dragon Armor

+3 Grand Soul Armor

+2 Dark Phoenix Helm, +2 Dark Phoenix Boots, +1 Dark Phoenix Pants, +0 Dark Phoenix Armor

+2 Divine Armor

+1 Dark Steel Armor, +2 Dark Steel Pants

+3 Glorious Gloves, +0 Glorious Boots, +0 Glorious Helm

+3 Valiant Gloves, +0 Valiant Boots

+3 Demonic Armor

+1 Storm Blitz Boots

+1 Titan Boots, +0 Titan Gloves

+2 Brave Boots, +1 Brave Gloves

+2 Destroy Boots, +0 Destroy Gloves

+1 Phantom Boots

+1 Seraphim Boots, +0 Seraphim Gloves

+2 Divine Boots, +1 Divine Gloves

+0 Royal Boots

+2 Hades Boots, +0 Hades Gloves



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Decay, Scroll of Summon, Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream


+2 Rune Blade, +1 Dark Breaker, +0 Thunder Blade

+3 Lord Scepter

+2 Great Reign Crossbow

+2 Demonic Stick

+2 Dragon Soul Staff


+2 Frost Barrier Shield, +1 Salamander Shield, +1 Crimson Glory Shield, +0 Guardian Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye , +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun +6, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Boots, +3 Glorious Helm, +2 Glorius Pants, +0 Glorius Armor

+3 Valiant Boots, +2 Valiant Pants, +0 Valiant Armor

+2 Red Spirit Pants

+3 Dark Steel Armor

+2 Thunder Hawk Pants, +0 Thunder Hawk Armor

+3 Dark Phoenix Pants, +2 Dark Phoenix Armor

+0 Dark Master Helm, +3 Dark Master Boots

+3 Dark Soul Boots

+1 Great Dragon Helm, +3 Great Dragon Boots

+1 Hurricane Gloves

+3 Storm Blitz Boots

+2 Titan Gloves, +3 Titan Boots

+3 Brave Gloves

+2 Destroy Gloves

+2 Phantom Gloves, +3 Phantom Boots

+2 Seraphim Gloves, +3 Seraphim Boots

+3 Divine Gloves, +1 Divine Helm

+2 Royal Gloves, +3 Royal Boots

+2 Hades Gloves



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Decay, Scroll of Summon, Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream


+3 Rune Blade, +1 Dark Breaker, +1 Thunder Blade

+3 Lord Scepter

+3 Great Reign Crossbow

+3 Demonic Stick

+3 Dragon Soul Staff


+3 Frost Barrier Shield, +2 Salamander Shield, +1 Crimson Glory Shield, +1 Guardian Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye , +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun+6, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Boots, +3 Glorious Helm, +2 Glorious Pants, +1 Glorious Armor

+3 Valiant Boots, +2 Valiant Pants, +1 Valiant Armor

+3 Red Spirit Pants, +0 Red Spirit Armor

+3 Thunder Hawk Pants, +0 Thunder Hawk Armor

+3 Dark Phoenix Armor

+1 Dark Master Helm

+3 Great Dragon Boots, +1 Great Dragon Helm

+2 Hurricane Gloves

+3 Titan Gloves

+3 Brave Gloves

+3 Destroy Gloves

+2 Phantom Gloves, +3 Phantom Boots

+3 Seraphim Gloves, +3 Seraphim Boots

+1 Divine Helm, +0 Divine Pants

+2 Royal Gloves, +3 Royal Boots

+3 Hades Gloves, +0 Hades Helm



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Summon, Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream


+3 Rune Blade, +2 Dark Breaker, +2 Thunder Blade

+0 Shining Scepter

+3 Demonic Stick, +0 Storm Blitz Stick

+0 Albatross Bow

+3 Great Reign Crossbow

+3 Dragon Soul Staff, +0 Platina Wing Staff


+3 Frost Barrier Shield, +3 Salamander Shield, +2 Crimson Glory Shield, +1 Guardian Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye , +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Pants, +2 Glorious Armor

+3 Valiant Pants, +2 Valiant Armor

+3 Red Spirit Pants, +0 Red Spirit Armor

+3 Thunder Hawk Pants, +1 Thunder Hawk Armor

+3 Dark Phoenix Armor

+0 Dark Soul Helm

+1 Dark Master Helm, +0 Dark Master Pants

+2 Great Dragon Helm

+3 Hurricane Gloves, +0 Hurricane Boots

+0 Venom Mist Gloves

+0 Sylphid Ray Gloves

+0 Sunlight Gloves

+0 Storm Blitz Helm

+3 Titan Gloves, +0 Titan Helm

+3 Destroy Gloves

+3 Phantom Gloves

+3 Seraphim Gloves, +0 Seraphim Helm

+2 Divine Helm, +0 Divine Pants

+3 Royal Gloves, +0 Royal Helm

+3 Hades Gloves, +0 Hades Helm



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Gigantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream, Scroll of Magic Circle


+3 Dark Breaker, +2 Thunder Blade

+1 Shining Scepter

+1 Storm Blitz Stick

+1 Albatross Bow

+1 Platina Wing Staff


+3 Salamander Shield, +3 Crimson Glory Shield, +2 Guardian Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye , +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Pants, +2 Glorious Armor

+3 Valiant Pants, +2 Valiant Armor

+1 Red Spirit Armor

+2 Thunder Hawk Armor

+1 Dark Soul Helm

+2 Dark Master Helm, +1 Dark Master Pants

+3 Great Dragon Helm, +0 Great Dragon Pants

+3 Hurricane Gloves, +1 Hurricane Boots

+0 Venom Mist Gloves

+0 Sylphid Ray Gloves

+1 Sunlight Gloves

+1 Storm Blitz Helm

+0 Titan Helm

+0 Destroy Pants

+3 Phantom Gloves

+0 Seraphim Helm

+3 Divine Helm, +1 Divine Pants

+3 Royal Gloves, +0 Royal Helm

+1 Hades Helm

+0 Brave Pants

Friday, June 19, 2009

Setting Internet Conn with a Router at Kaiden's

Early Morning of Saturday, Boost xp for next week was the talk of the town when two of my guild mates were discussing about their router config and the how to's regarding LAN and Internet connection.

Well I'm not a pro, but basing to the problems that they were talking to, a bit of experience from a experienced self educated technician could do the adviser's job.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dark Horse

This is a Guide on Combining to create Dark Horse


One (1) Spirit of Dark Horse
Five (5) Jewels of Bless
Five (5) Jewels of Soul
One (1) Jewel of Creation
One (1) Jewel of Chaos
5 million Zen

Use the option Resurrect Spirit

After confirming the success rate, press the Combine button. Do not combine if there is no success rate figures!

And beware the process can also fail!

Upon successful combination, one Dark Horse would be resurrected.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dark Raven Guide

Combining to create Dark Spirit (Raven)


One (1) Spirit of Dark Spirit
Two (2) Jewels of Bless
Two (2) Jewels of Soul
One (1) Jewel of Creation
One (1) Jewel of Chaos
1 million Zen

Talk with the Trainer located in coordinates (122, 110) in Lorencia.
Use the option Resurrect Spirit

After confirming the success rate, press the Combine button.
Upon successful combination, one Dark Spirit would be resurrected.

MU Season 4 Item Map - Raklion




Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Electric Spark, Scroll of Inferno, Scroll of Ice Storm, Scroll of MagicDefense Up, Scroll of Decay, Scroll of Summon, Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Gigantic Storm , Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream


+0 Rune Blade

+3 Elemental Mace

+3 Dragon Spear

+3 Celestial Bow

+0 Demonic Stick

+3 Staff of Destruction, +0 Dragon Soul Staff

+1 Lord Scepter


+1 Frost Barrier Shield, +0 Salamander Shield


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye, +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundun +6, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Gloves, +1 Glorious Boots, +1 Glorious Helm, +0 Glorious Pants

+3 Valiant Gloves, +1 Valiant Boots, +0 Valiant Pants

+3 Dark Phoenix Boots, +3 Dark Phoenix Helm, +2 Dark Phoenix Pants, +0 Dark Phoenix Armor

+3 Red Spirit Helm, +0 Red Spirit Pants

+3 Dark Steel Pants, +2 Dark Steel Armor

+3 Black Dragon Armor

+3 Grand Soul Armor

+3 Divine Armor

+3 Thunder Hawk Boots, +1 Thunder Hawk Pants

+2 Dark Master Boots

+2 Dark Soul Boots

+2 Great Dragon Gloves, +1 Great Dragon Boots

+0 Hurricane Gloves

+3 Demonic Armor

+0 Titan Gloves, +2 Titan Boots

+1 Brave Gloves, +3 Brave Boots

+1 Destroy Gloves, +2 Destroy Boots

+0 Phantom Gloves, +1 Phantom Boots

+0 Seraphim Gloves, +1 Seraphim Boots

+2 Divine Gloves, +3 Divine Boots

+0 Royal Gloves, +1 Royal Boots

+0 Hades Gloves, +2 Hades Boots

+2 Storm Blitz Boots



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Innovation Partchment: Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream, Scroll of Magic Circle


+3 Rune Blade, +2 Dark Breaker, +2 Thunder Blade

+0 Albatross Bow

+3 Great Reign Crossbow

+3 Demonic Stick, +0 Storm Blitz Stick

+3 Dragon Soul Staff, +0 Platina Wing Staff


+3 Salamander Shield, +2 Crimson Glory Shield, +2 Guardian Shield

+0 Shining Scepter


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye, +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundum +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Glorious Pants, +2 Valiant Armor

+3 Valiant Pants, +2 Glorious Armor

+1 Thunder Hawk Armor

+3 Dark Phoenix Armor

+2 Great Dragon Helm

+2 Dark Master Helm, +0 Dark Master Pants

+0 Dark Soul Helm

+3 Red Spirit Pants, +1 Red Spirit Armor

+3 Hurricane Gloves, +0 Hurricane Boots

+0 Venom Mist Gloves

+0 Sylphid Ray Gloves

+0 Sunlight Gloves

+3 Seraphim Gloves, +0 Seraphim Helm

+3 Hades Gloves, +1 Hades Helm

+3 Titan Gloves, +0 Titan Helm

+3 Phantom Gloves

+3 Royal Gloves, +0 Royal Helm

+2 Divine Helm, +1 Divine Pants

+0 Storm Blitz Helm

+0 Brave Pants



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Fire Scream, Scroll of Magic Circle


+2 Sword DayBreak, +2 Sword Dancer

+0 Frost mace

+3 Albatross Bow

+3 Shining Scepter

+3 Storm Blitz Stick

+3 Platina Wing Staff


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Eye, +6 Devil's Key, Sign of Kundum +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Great Dragon Pants

+3 Dark Soul Helm, +1 Dark Soul Pants, +0 Dark Soul Armor

+3 Dark Master Pants, +1 Dark Master Armor

+3 Hurricane Boots, +0 Hurricane Pants

+3 Sunlight Gloves, +0 Sunlight Boots

+3 Venom Mist Gloves, +1 Venom Mist Boots

+3 Sylphid Ray Gloves, +1 Sylphid Ray Boots

+2 Dragon Knight Gloves, +1 Dragon Knight Boots

+3 Storm Blitz Helm, +1 Storm Blitz Pants, +0 Storm Blitz Armor

+3 Destroy Pants

+2 Brave Helm, +3 Brave Pants

+3 Titan Helm, +2 Titan Pants

+3 Royal Helm, +2 Royal Pants

+2 Hades Pants

+2 Phantom Pants

+0 Divine Armor

+3 Seraphim Helm, +2 Seraphim Pants



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Magic Circle


+3 Frost Mace


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Key, +6 Devil's Eye, Sign of Kundum +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Dark Soul Armor

+2 Great Dragon Armor

+3 Hurricane Pants, +1 Hurricane Armor

+0 Dragon Knight Helm

+3 Sunlight Boots, +0 Sunlight Helm

+2 Venom Mist Helm

+2 Sylphid Ray Helm

+1 Volcano Gloves, +0 Volcano Boots

+3 Storm Blitz Armor

+0 Titan Armor

+1 Brave Armor

+2 Destroy Armor

+0 Phantom Armor

+1 Seraphim Armor

+3 Divine Armor

+0 Royal Armor

+1 Hades armor



Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation

Orbs and Scrolls:

Orb of Destruction Blow, Orb of Multishot, Orb of SD Recovery, Orb of Flame Strike

Scroll of Nova, Scroll of Giantic Storm, Scroll of Lightning Shock, Scroll of Birds, Scroll of Magic Circle


+3 Sword Breaker, +1 Flamberge Sword, +1 Rune Bastard, +0 Knight Blade, +0 Black Reign Blade

+2 Absolute Scepter, +0 Great Lord Scepter

+2 Dark Stinger Bow, +2 Arrow Viper Bow

+1 Imperial Staff, +1 Deadly Staff, +0 Kundun Staff


+7 Scroll of Archangel, +7 Blood Bone, +6 Devil's Key, +6 Devil's Eye, Sign of Kundum +7, Spirit Dark Raven, Spirit Dark Horse

Armor Pieces:

+3 Dragon Knight Helm, +2 Dragon Knight Pants, +0 Dragon Knight Armor

+3 Sunlight Helm, +0 Sunlight Pants

+2 Venom Mist Pants

+2 Sylphid Ray Pants

+2 Volcano Pants, +3 Volcano Boots

+3 Phantom Armor

+3 Titan Armor

+3 Royal Armor



+3~+5 Flameberge Sword, +3~+5 Sword Breaker, +3~+5 Rune Bastard Sword

+3~+5 Dark Stinger Bow

+3~+5 Absolute Scepter

+3~+5 Deadly Staff, +3~+5 Imberial Staff

+3~+5 Frost Mace


+3~+5 Crimson Glory, +3~+5 Salamander Shield, +3~+5 Frost Barrier, +3~+5 Guardian Shield

Excellent Items:

+0 Staff of Destruction, +0 Dragon Soul Staff, +0 Legendary Staff, +0 Staff of Resurrection

+0 Dragon Spear

+0 Celestial Bow

+0 Double Blade, +0 Sword of Destruction, +0 Rune Blade

+0 Elemental Mace

+0 Red Wing Stick, +0 Book of Samut

+0 Master Scepter, +0 Great Scepter

+0 Saint Crossbow, +0 Aquagold Crossbow

+0 Dragon Shield, +0 Legendary Shield, +0 Elemental Shield

+0 Ashcrow Helm, +0 Iris Helm, +0 Eclipse Helm, +0 Glorious Helm

+0 Ashcrow Armor, +0 Iris Armor, +0 Eclipse Armor, +0 Valiant Armor, +0 Glorious Armor

+0 Ashcrow Boots, +0 Iris Boots, +0 Eclipse Boots, +0 Valiant Boots, +0 +0 Glorious Boots

+0 Ashcrow Gloves, +0 Iris Gloves, +0 Eclipse Gloves, +0 Valiant Gloves, +0 Glorious Gloves

+0 Ashcrow Pants, +0 Iris Pants, +0 Eclipse Pants, +0 Valiant Pants, +0 +0 Glorious Pants

Armor Pieces:

+3~+5 Titan Gloves, +3~+5 Titan Boots, +3~+5 Titan Helm, +3~+5 Titan Pants, +3~+5 Titan Armor

+3~+5 Brave Gloves, +3~+5 Brave Boots, +3~+5 Brave Helm, +3~+5 Brave Pants, +3~+5 Brave Armor

+3~+5 Destroy Gloves, +3~+5 Destroy Boots, +3~+5 Destroy Pants, +3~+5 Destroy Armor

+3~+5 Phantom Gloves, +3~+5 Phantom Boots, +3~+5 Phantom Pants, +3~+5 Phantom Armor

+3~+5 Seraphim Gloves, +3~+5 Seraphim Boots, +3~+5 Seraphim Helm, +3~+5 Seraphim Pants, +3~+5 Seraphim Armor

+3~+5 Divine Gloves, +3~+5 Divine Boots, +3~+5 Divine Helm, +3~+5 Divine Pants, +3~+5 Divine Armor

+3~+5 Royal Gloves, +3~+5 Royal Boots, +3~+5 Royal Helm, +3~+5 Royal Pants, +3~+5 Royal Armor

+3~+5 Hades Gloves, +3~+5 Hades Boots, +3~+5 Hades Helm, +3~+5 Hades Pants, +3~+5 Hades Armor



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