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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Land of Trials, Land of Greed

It's been 3 weeks since my alliance launched an invasion at the Valley of Loren Castle (3 weeks and I only have 2 Gywen boots and a donated Gaia bow). The Main purpose of the attack is to take control of the Lord Mix and the most aspired Land of Trials. And most of all to prove that we can conquer against all odds!

Land of Trials - All warriors from the continent of legend always dream to hunt on this land of wickedness and greed, bloody spots is on sight at every corner! At this Real your patience, morality, ideology, intellect and manhood will be tested to the last cell! At this realm your leadership will be on a guillotine of lethal razor blade.

Only at this realm the Ancient Armor and weapon pieces can be loot. Only at the throne the Lord Mix is possible. That is why a lot of strong alliance are wanting to conquer Valley of Loren to the extent of using speed hack or DC hack just to make sure they will win the siege warfare! But so far none make it through the glorious victory against our alliance.

May the force of the Light and Justice be with us for a continuous Glory bound by honesty and perseverance!

Deny injustice Deny Speed Hack and boycott its maker!!! May all those who corrupt fairness and equality got to the bounds of Hell!

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