Items Characteristics
Axe: +1 Small Axe, +0 Hand Axe
Sword: +0 Short Sword
Bow: +0 Short Bow
Crossbow: +0 Cross Bow
Shield: +0 Round Shield
Others: +1 Scroll of
Set Pad: +0 Pad Gloves, +0 Pad Boots
Set Leather: +0 Leather Gloves
Set Vine: +0 Vine Gloves
Items Characteristics
Orb: Heal Orb, Summon Goblin, Orb of Great Defense
Scroll: Scroll Fire of Ball, Scroll of Power Wave, Scroll of Lighting
Axe: +3 Hand Axe, +4 Small Axe, +0 Double Poleaxe
Bow: +3 Short Bow, +1 Bow
Mace: +1 Rapier
Staff: +2 Skull Staff
Sword: +3 Short Sword, +2 Kris
Shield: +1 Horn Shield, +0 Kite Shield
Pendant: +0 Pendant of Fire
Others: +1 Blood Bone, +1 Scroll of
Set Leather: +3 Leather Gloves, +2 Leather Boots
Set Pad: +3 Pad Gloves, +3 Pad Boots, +2 Pad Helm, +1 Pad Pants, +1 Pad Armor
Set Vine: +3 Vine Gloves, +2 Vine Boots, +2 Vine Helm, +1 Vine Pants, +1 Vine Armor
Items Characteristics
Jewel: Jewel of Chaos
Orb: Orb of Healing, Orb of Great Defense, Orb of Greater Damage
Scroll: Scroll of Power Wave, Scroll of Lighting, Scroll of Teleport
Axe: +5 Hand Axe, +0 Tomahawk
Bow: +3 Bow, +1 Elven Bow
Crossbow: +5 Crossbow, +2 Golden Crossbow
Shield: +4 Buckler, +3 Horn Shield, +2 Kite Shield, +0 Large Round Shield
Spear: +2 Double Poleaxe, Halberd, +0 Dragon Lance
Staff: +4 Skull Staff , +0 Angelic Staff
Sword: +3 Rapier , +2 Sword of Assassin , +1 Khopesh
Pendant: +2 Pendant of Fire
Ring: +0 Ring of Poison
Others: +1 Scroll of
Set Leather : +5 Leather Gloves, +4 Leather Boots, +4 Leather Helm, +3 Leather Pants, +3
Leather Armor
Set Bronze : +2 Bronze Boots, +1 Bronze Pants, +1 Bronze Helm, +1 Bronze Armor
Set Vine : +5 Vine Gloves, +4 Vine Boots, +3 Vine Pants, +3 Vine Armor
Set Silk : +1 Silk Gloves, +1 Silk Boots, +0 Silk Pants
Set Pad: +4 Pad Helm, +3 Pad Pants, +3 Pad Armor
Set Bone: +1 Bone Boots, +0 Bone Helm
Items Characteristics
Jewel: Jewel of Chaos
Orb: Orb of Great Defense, Orb of Greater Damage, Orb of Impale
Scroll: Scroll of Lighting, Scroll of Teleport, Scroll of Meteorite
Axe: +3 Double Axe, +2 Double Poleaxe, +2 Tomahawk
Bow: +5 Bow, +2 Elven Bow
Crossbow: +2 Golden Crossbow, Arcubus
Mace: +5 Mace, +2 Morning Star, +1 Flail
Shield: +4 Kite Shield, +4 Horn Shield, +3 Skull Shield, +2 Large Round Shield, +1
Elven Shield
Spear: +4 Rapier, +3 Dragon Lance
Staff: +3 Skull Staff, +2 Angelic Staff
Sword: +4 Kris, +4 Sword of Assassin, +3 Khopesh, +1 Gladius
Pendant: +3 Pendant of Fire, +0 Pendant of Lighting
Ring: +2 Ring of Poison, +1 Ring of Ice
Others: +1 Blood Bone, +1 Scroll of
Set Leather: +5 Leather Boots, +4 Leather Pants, +4 Leather Armor
Set Bronze: +4 Bronze Boots, +3 Bronze Gloves, +3 Bronze Pants, +2 Bronze Helm, +2
Bronze Armor
Set Scale: +2 Scale Boots, +1 Scale Gloves, +0 Scale Armor
Set Vine: +5 Vine Boots, +4 Vine Pants, +4 Vine Armor
Set Silk: +3 Silk Gloves, +3 Silk Boots, +2 Silk Pants, +2 Silk Helm, +1 Silk Armor
Set Pad: +5 Pad Helm, +5 Pad Pants, +5 Pad Gloves, +4 Pad Armor
Set Bone: +3 Bone Gloves, +1 Bone Pants, +2 Bone Helm, +0 Bone Armor
Items Characteristics:
Jewel: Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos
Orb: Orb of Impale
Scroll: Scroll of Meteorite, Scroll of Ice, Scroll of Poison, Scroll of Night
Axe: +4 Double Axe, +3 Double Poleaxe, +3 Tomahawk, +2 Elven Axe
Bow: +5 Bow, +4 Elven Bow
Crossbow: +2 Golden Crossbow , +1 Arcubus
Mace: +5 Mace, +4 Morning Star, +3 Flail
Shield: +4 Kite Shield +4 Horn Shield, +3 Skull Shield, +4 Large Round Shield,
+3 Elven Shield, +1 Plate Shield, +1 Spiked Shield
Spear: +4 Rapier, +3 Dragon Lance, +3 Halberd, +1 Great Trident
Stick: +0 Mystery Stick
Staff: +3 Skull Staff, +3 Angelic Staff, +1 Serpent Staff
Sword: +4 Kris, +4 Sword of Assassin, +3 Khopesh, +2 Gladius, +3 Falchion
Pendant: +3 Pendant of Lighting
Ring: +3 Ring of Ice, +0 Ring of Fire
Others: +1 Blood Bone, +1 Scroll of
Sign of Kundun +1
Set Bronze: +4 Bronze Boots, +4 Bronze Gloves, +3 Bronze Pants, +3 Bronze Helm,
+2 Bronze Armor
Set Scale: +4 Scale Boots, +3 Scale Helm, +3 Scale Pants, +3 Scale Gloves,
+1 Scale Armor
Set Silk: +4 Silk Gloves, +4 Silk Boots, +4 Silk Pants, +4 Silk Helm, +1 Silk Armor
Set Wind: +1 Wind Gloves, +0 Wind Helm
Set Pad: +5 Pad Helm, +5 Pad Pants, +5 Pad Gloves, +4 Pad Armor
Set Bone: +4 Bone Boots, +4 Bone Gloves, +4 Bone Helm, +3 Bone Pants, +3 Bone Armor
Set Sphinx: +0 Sphinx Gloves
Set Violent Wind: +1 Violent Wind Boots, +2 Violent Wind Gloves, +0 Violent Wind Pants, +0
Violent Wind Helm
Items Characteristics:
Jewels: Jewel of Bless, Jewels of Soul, Jewel of Chaos
Scroll: Scroll of Ice, Scroll of Poison, Scroll of Night, Scroll of Flame,
Scroll of Chain Lighting
Axe: +4 Double Axe, +3 Double Poleaxe, +3 Tomahawk, +3 Elven Axe,
Bow: +5 Bow, +4 Elven Bow, +3
Crossbow: +2 Golden Crossbow, +2 Arcubus, +1 Light Crossbow
Mace: +5 Mace, +4 Morning Star, +4 Flail
Shield: +4 Skull Shield, +4 Large Round Shield, +3 Elven Shield, +3 Plate Shield,
+2 Spiked Shield, +0 Shield Dragon Slayer
Spear: +4 Spear, +4 Rapier, +3 Dragon Lance, +3 Halberd, +2 Great Trident
Stick: +2 Mystery Stick
Staff: +4 Skull Staff, +3 Angelic Staff, +2 Serpent Staff
Sword: +4 Kris, +4 Sword of Assasin, +3 Khopesh, +2 Gladius, +4 Falchion,
+2 Serpent Sword, +1 Sword of Salamander
Pendant: +1 Pendant of Ice
Ring: +4 Ring of Ice, +2 Ring of Fire
Others: +2 Devil's Key, +2 Devil's Eye, +2 Scroll of
Skeleton Disguise Ring, Sign of Kundun +1
Set Bronze: +5 Bronze Boots, +4 Bronze Gloves, +4 Bronze Pants, +3 Bronze Helm,
+3 Bronze Armor
Set Brass: +1 Brass Boots, +1 Brass Gloves, Brass Helm, Brass Pants
Set Scale: +4 Scale Boots, +3 Scale Helm, +3 Scale Pants, +2 Scale Gloves, +2 Scale Armor
Set Silk: +5 Silk Gloves, +5 Silk Boots, +4 Silk Pants, +4 Silk Helm, +2 Silk Armor
Set Wind: +3 Wind Boots, +3 Wind Gloves, +2 Wind Pants, +2 Wind Helm, +1Wind Armor
Set Pad: +5 Pad Helm, +5 Pad Pants, +5 Pad Gloves, +4 Pad Armor
Set Bone: +5 Bone Boots, +5 Bone Gloves, +4 Bone Helm, +4 Bone Pants, +4 Bone Armor
Set Sphinx: +0 Sphinx Gloves
Set Violent Wind: +3 Violent Wind Boots, +2 Violent Wind Pants, +0 Violent Wind Armor,
+2 Violent Wind Helm
Items Characteristic:
Jewel: Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul
Scroll: Scroll of Poison, Scroll of Night, Scroll of Flame, Scroll of Chain Lighting,
Scroll of Twister, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of MagicSpeed Up
Excellent: Ring of Poison, Sword of Assassin, Double Axe, Double Poleaxe, Kite Shield,
Skull Shield
Axe: +3 Nike Axe
Sword: +3 Sword of Salamander, +2 Blade, +1 Light Saber
Mace: +1 Great Hammer
Spear: +0 Light Spear, +2 Berdysh
Crossbow: +3 Light Crossbow
Stick: +0 Violent Wind Stick
Bow: +1 Tiger Bow
Staff: +0 Thunder Staff
Shield: +2 Dragon Slayer Shield, +1 Tower Shield
Pendant: +3 Pendant of Ice, +0 Pendant of Wind
Ring: +4 Ring of Fire, +1 Ring of Earth
Others: +2 Scroll of
Sign of Kundun +1
Set Brass: +3 Brass Gloves, +3 Brass Boots, +2 Brass Pants, +2 Brass Helm,
+1 Brass Armor
Set Light Plate: +0 Light Plate Gloves
Set Plate: +0 Plate Gloves, +0 Plate Boots,
Set Sphinx: +3 Sphinx Pants, +1 Sphinx Armor
Set Wind: +3 Wind Armor
Set Spirit: +1 Spirit Helm, +1 Spirit Gloves, +1 Spirit Boots, +0 Spirit Pants
Set Violent Wind: +3 Violent Wind Armor
Items Characteristics:
Jewel: Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul
Scroll: Scroll of Twister, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of MagicSpeed Up
Axe: +0 Larkan Axe
Bow: +2 Tiger Bow
Crossbow: +0 Serpent Crossbow
Mace: +3 Great Hammer
Shield: +2 Tower Shield, +1 Serpent Shield, +0Legendary Shield
Spear: +3 Berdysh, +2 Light Spear, +0 Serpent Spear
Stick: +2 Violent Wind Stick
Staff: +2 Thunder Staff
Sword: +2 Light Saber, +0 Double Blade
Pendant: +4 Pendant of Ice, +2 Pendant of Wind, +0 Pendant of Water
Ring: +3 Ring of Earth, +1 Ring of Wind, +0 Ring of Magic
Others: +3 Devil's Key, +3 Devil's Eye, +3 Scroll of
Sign of Kundun +2
Set Light Plate: +2 Light Plate Gloves, +1 Light Plate Boots, +0 Light Plate Helm
Set Brass: +3 Brass Armor
Set Plate: +2 Plate Gloves, +1 Plate Pants, +0 Plate Helm, +0 Plate Armor
Set Spirit: +3 Spirit Gloves, +2 Spirit Pants, +2 Spirit Helm, +2 Spirit Boots,
+1 Spirit Armor
Set Sphinx: +3 Sphinx Armor
Set Legendary: +0 Legendary Boots
Set Red Wing: +0 Red Wing Boots, +1 Red Wing Gloves
Set Violent Wind: +4 Violent Wind Armor
Source: guiamuonline.netne.net
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