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Friday, November 13, 2009

Tripple Value Added Tax

Have you finished your Third Class Quest? If yes, I guess you have experience the dilemmic effect between hunting for items and hunting for experience!

If you are wishing for a good season 4 380 items with a character build that cannot withstand the strength of La Cleon, better prepare for the disaster you are heading into. Dying is not an option if you are in need of Master Level Experience while hunting for good items.

The Three (3) reasons why you should avoid the Scythe of the Angel of Death are:

1. The mobs drop very very low amount of zen even with experience boost!
2. Death toll takes a significant amount of zen depending on your reserve zen in your inventory.
3. Death toll takes a significant amount of experience and I mean a lot.

Don't you think this is too much??? Nevermind just think about it and avoid Dying!!!

I think the best realm to have load of experience with less worry of dying is at Barracks of Balgass.

After two days of hunting at La Cleon, this is the only Experience points I was able to harness. It takes about 10 Mammoth for a 30-50k of experience and it takes only one death toll to lost 50% of it!!! T_T

At this rate, I think it will take forever to get a Master Skill Point!

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