I've been doing this backlinks and crosslinks ever since the day you weren't born in Mobius family. Starting from Wiggle and Maya era. Hopping from one blog site to another. Over the years this blog site has served its purpose very well. The main purpose is to assist other players who may have found you (mobius) lacking at some points.
Profitable? In some way it is profitable and has been, considering that I won a third place on a contest which is by the way promoted by you (Mobius). But summing all the backlinks on my blog, most of which aren't profitable in any way. Would you please check the tabs for mu links. Don't you think that you (Mobius) gain access to free advertisement and publicity here..????
Do I deserve a shutdown for backlinks and crosslinks that is assisting you (mobius). Is this how this new mods look into this kind of situation. You might get caught on one of WU's manager shoes, after looking on Alexander Graham Bel l's proposition with one eye.
It was a pleasure to blog my experiences in the MU realm, and it was also a pleasure to share them all in the community of MU players. And it is so discouraging that my sharing and helping will be limited because some people look into it as profiteering!
To players who found my blog site helpful, thank you very much and more power. I guess some good things really don't last.
PS: "The seven deadly sin is DEADLY"
Aerox Rocks! keep going man.. :)
Aerox Rocks! keep going man.. :)
thanks sir, sorry for the late replay and updates. I'm currently wandering in the realm of what new things to post.... ^^ gl and happy gaming
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