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Showing posts with label MU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MU. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Last Piece

It was 24 months ago when HellJr started his career as a knight at MU Rance Server. And the moment he decided to build a character with the optimum stats for hunting career and a li'l hit and run pain with Player Kill situation. He decided to collect this rare Brass armor set. And finally after two years of boredom hunting and trading, he was able to find the last armor piece with the desired option!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

MU Buggers

I have encountered this bug many times from the Tahr Server since the launch of Season 4. And I guest it is here to stay. The only thing is, if experts will find a way to abuse this bug and use it for imbalance purpose, that would be a pain in the ass for Mobius!

I just hope if some will find this hole a beneficial glitch, let it be beneficial for all Mutizens.... ^__^

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cristmas Hunt....

Christmas time can really squeeze out lots of time from you. The only difference is.... it will take you to lots of outdoor activities! And so far I was away from keyboard for the past three days and my character HellJr is stocked at lvl 370! T_T

The trouble, upon checking our Guild Master made and announcement regarding taxes! T_T Woooo is me.... How am I going to produce revenue without using my treasured jewels.... T_T

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wanted - Organizer

This is what a day of hunting Pouch of Blessings, Blue Ribbon Box, Green Ribbon Box and Golden Monsters will do! ^__^

And if you are hard hunter more than I am, I bet you can have more than what I could in a day! To all newbies I advice you not to focus on leveling up your characters at the moment. Get a good savings of Jewels and items from the promotional gifts and bonus monsters. Unless, you are one of those "Big Fat Cat" Gamer of MU. $_$

Monday, October 18, 2010

Abnoy Movers

While Some Characters Busy hunting or gaining experience by Killing all Kundun's Munions, me and my Comrades were Busy of becoming a poser. And no question the founder of tonights insanity is Cardo! ^_^

Yeah right we lost coordination, it is a symptom of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) due to lack of Sleep.

But I never mind the choreography, I just enjoyed the Dance moves of the Abnoy Dancers while sipping my Glass of Red Wine (My Ideal Sleeping Drink). ^^

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Magic box is back at MU Ph. Go on newbies hunt all the box you can. It is another chance to have your complete excellent armor set with weapons and accessories. Don't miss this once or twice a year chance to get your dream excellent items.

This event is really very helpful for everyone, most especially to newbies who are having trouble completing their items. But with the current rate, one question remains. Is it really helpful?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Lost Map

Ever wonder how big is the continent of legends? Here is a bird's eye view of the whole map and how much longer we should wait for the final battle....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

WTF Items

Yesterday a gamer sent me a PM regarding rare items, he was so anxious on spending PHP for his character's armor set and weapons. He then decided to ask me about my stand regarding such issue. Reading the first few lines of his message, I already have an answer and in fact not even reading any of those lines, I already know what to say when it comes with PHP.

Either legal or illegal trading where PHP or E-points is concerned, I completely disagree. After a few discouraging experience with Mobius services I no longer support E-points or PHP trading 100% because of some personal reasons.

First of all Online Games like our old favorite MU is protected by copyrights which is more powerful than human rights. Secondly, not unless you are aware of the end users license agreement, spending time and money with your favorite game is a pain in the ass and heart when it comes to investment return. The moment the game collapse its one HELL of a bye bye love. You are just spending on something you cannot own.

Yeah for sure you have controls over your account but that is just a fraction of the entire truth. When the whole realm goes down, so as your account like a bubble that pops off to no where. Most copyrights entitles only the end user to access their account and to use what they called service only, but have no right over the account and virtual items in-game. It is like paying for a house that cannot be yours!

The next time you saw a fully loaded character with WTF items, don't get yourself to carried away with envy, they are just wealthy enough to rent those items. Just enjoy the game with how much a free enjoyment can take you! :) Happy gaming and may the power of Financial Education be with you!

Friday, July 2, 2010

By 1900

Rules are Rules! Regulations are set forth on every organization or association. It is the oil that smooths a certain operation on a sect. But sometimes obeying the rules makes you freak out, when you know that there are valid reasons to be considered, but you have no where to run to, to brace your proposition or simply no one would care or simply a pure bad luck had ran on over you. And it sends you running while singing "Fuck the Regulations! - 1900"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Die Hard is Quitting

After Spending 500B worth of Jewel of Life for an item's additional option that all lead to failure(like turning a SWB and other items into smoke). Die Hard is at rage, never even succeeded at +8 AO. It was an item to be used in making a Third Class Wings. Time and effort was wasted starting from the Feather of Sheyt ever since Season 4 was launched! And Die Hard can't handle the emotional side of the game and shouted "Puta! Quit na ako, grabe ka kuripot na mga success rate pati machine sobrang kuripot!" At first I feel like to laugh, but summing all those hard work it is really worth quitting! :( I suggested lets play Grudge MU ^^. (Just today Die Hard lost his Dragon Wings +9+115hp+4%rec because of fckng JOL)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spirit of Display

I can't remember when was the last time I went to see this NPC for its service. Though currently it has no use for the MUtizens, it looks good as a Organic Fertilizer!

Friday, April 30, 2010


Online Games are sprouting like mushroom in a rate that probably doubles every year. The big question is how does this games can sustain its fame and profit. One of the best example is our favorite game MU. Five years ago, every player can experience a server lag and boot out due to the big population of the players (with respect to the technologies available). Currently? The a big size of the player population are tossed around in a bowl of a game with the same concept on different approach(MU: Grudge, Zypher, Phoenix, Fortress)!

To my own extent of analysis, the following reasons are vital to a game's sustainability:

1. Effects, Graphics
2. Experience Rates
3. Item Drop Rates
4. Availability of profit (Either cash/kind or in-game items etc...) for ideal players*
5. Promotional Events
6. Security and Manageability (Includes in game response of both technical and non-tech staff)
7. Difficulty level of the game and comprehensive interface
8. Story Line

* The biggest percentage of the gamers population belongs to the ideal players, players who want to enjoy the game at the same time earn from their effort on the game or a way to play the game for free. Earning could either be through tournaments, Gambling (pustahan), selling and/or trading in-game items etc...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Season 4 Pre Release

The MU Phil has already released the new client, Season 4 for players to download and to install when the new Season is up. Yet their is no official announcement regarding the exact date. All we know is it is September....

Words from mod.:

Ok since some of you are really excited about the S4.5 patch and forgot to use your common sense.

Let me make this clear once a for all. The patch/installer for Season 4.5 was released early so that players can prepare and download the patch. NO ONE SAID to install/patch your game client.

Every MMO games releases patch or new game client early before the new version goes live. Everyone should know this by now. Even Dekaron game client was released weeks early before the server became live.

Why ? To avoid server congestion. What do you want ? As soon as Season 4 goes live and that's the only time GameMaster will post the link to the patch/installer ?

Just download the patch/installer and DO NOT INSTALL/PATCH YOUR GAME CLIENT until the GameMasters makes an official announcement to patch/update you game client.


Take note people, weeks!!! It could be 2 weeks or so on....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The first day of the PK Festival was a bit annoying since I don't want to join the Murderers Hall of Fame and because I was chasing for a few bars to get 6 more stat points. But to my surprise some foolish Character injected a virus on my character and gone berserk at Tarkan, since then any character who tries to take my spot is doomed to die or the other way around ^^.

Moreover, this promotional festival is not only fun but also a very good time to get characters leveled up since a boost xp was also applied.

On the other hand, this festival is a strategical promotion of the promoters to divert the attention of the majority of the players from the so called "Lost Patch".

Overall, enjoy the Boost xp and regret the procrastination and blundering moves!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Land of Trials, Land of Greed

It's been 3 weeks since my alliance launched an invasion at the Valley of Loren Castle (3 weeks and I only have 2 Gywen boots and a donated Gaia bow). The Main purpose of the attack is to take control of the Lord Mix and the most aspired Land of Trials. And most of all to prove that we can conquer against all odds!

Land of Trials - All warriors from the continent of legend always dream to hunt on this land of wickedness and greed, bloody spots is on sight at every corner! At this Real your patience, morality, ideology, intellect and manhood will be tested to the last cell! At this realm your leadership will be on a guillotine of lethal razor blade.

Only at this realm the Ancient Armor and weapon pieces can be loot. Only at the throne the Lord Mix is possible. That is why a lot of strong alliance are wanting to conquer Valley of Loren to the extent of using speed hack or DC hack just to make sure they will win the siege warfare! But so far none make it through the glorious victory against our alliance.

May the force of the Light and Justice be with us for a continuous Glory bound by honesty and perseverance!

Deny injustice Deny Speed Hack and boycott its maker!!! May all those who corrupt fairness and equality got to the bounds of Hell!


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